Process Jounral
A process journal is a means of displaying thoughts and the creative process! It can be a physical journal, digital, audio, or just about anything that can be used to record. I created a bullet journal style book where I bundled sketches, weekly writing prompts, and feedback.

Here are samples of my art in stages before reaching the design of my final pieces!
Parallax Illustration
Parallax illustration is a graphic design technique in which layers are used to give an image depth. In websites, parallax scrolling can be implemented such that background layers move while foreground layers stay still. This can be used to give pages a 3D feel.
In my project, I used parallax and code to create a 2D piece that moves and has a 3D feel when touched. Below, are examples of each of the layers I exported from procreate and then uploaded to my coded webpage. Each layer was given a different z-index or stack order, to make it appear to go into the page or come off the page. Check out one of Jarom Vogel's parallax illustrations!

Here are a few artists whose work influenced me throughout my creative process!