Sarah Flores
Go Fish
Procreate for iPad
The games played on a nintendo switch are perfect examples of the intersection between art and technology. Artists join engineers and developers to create the video games we play. Instead of swimming in the pond, the koi are "out of water." I layered the fish like this so that they could be moved as shown in the video below!
Sarah Flores
Procreate for iPad
Virtual and Augmented Reality are another example of the intersection between art and technology. In this piece, a girl is looking at a kaleidoscope, a group of butterflies, through an augmented reality lens. The butterflies are not actually emerging from the chimney, but only appear to be because of the lens. The play on layers using parallax and code simulates what the girl may be viewing first hand through the lens.

Go Fish Parallax Illustration
The following video is a screen recording of my illustration on a webpage. In the video, I am touching the screen of my iPad to move the various layers. The touch controls and stack order of the elements were coded to make the layers move!
I was sadly unable to transfer the website I coded to a public domain so a screen recording is all I can offer in terms of user interaction with my work.
Kaleidoscope Parallax Illustration
I have not completed the coding aspect or final digital coloring of this piece, but I still wanted to show my progress and explain what I envision it to look like! Like the Go Fish piece, I will also be coding Kaleidoscope so that the layers move when I touch the screen. I want the butterflies emerging from the chimmney to be on different layers so it actually looks like they are popping out and flying through the sky.